Monday 8 November 2010

ITAP Lecture 5- Development of Ideas and Structure in Moving Image

Three Act Structure-

Within every film, there is a "Three Act Structure"  made up of a begging, middle and end, whatever order may that be. This then reflects on the content of the acts that usually consists of something being established, then a crisis and it then being resolved. The following is an example of a three act structure within a film of my choice. 

Three Act Structure- District 9

Theatrical Film Poster

Act 1
Alien Spacecraft comes to earth
The fall out between The Aliens And Humans 
Relocate "Prawns" to District 10
Wikus van de Merwe begins to hand eviction notices
Christopher Johnson finds alien technology and hides it
Wikus finds it and becomes infected

Act 2
Wikus becomes ill with his DNA starting to turn into a prawns
MNU takes him captive and begins to test weapons on him
Wikus escapes with MNU in pursuit
Takes refuge in District 9 and meets Christopher Johnson 
They agree to recapture alien technology from MNU

Act 3
Wikus Discovers that it will take 3 years to cure him
In anger he takes control of the command module with it then being shot down 
Christopher Johnson is held captive by MNU, Wikus comes to save him in an armoured suit
Christopher Johnson and son return to mother ship with it then leaving
Ending documentary footage with people theorizing about Wikus's disappearance
Wikus wife finds a steel flower on her doorstep
A Prawn is shown crafting a flower in a scrapyard

Monomyth (The Hero's Journey)-

The Hero's Journey is a theory by Joseph Campbell that every story follows the same basis. The following will show the similarities between The Hero's Journey and Avatar. 

Theatrical Film Poster


The call to adventure- Replaces his brother in Avatar project
Refusal to call- Unsure Of his credentials
Supernatural aid- The Avatar Scientist Grace
Crossing the first threshold- Going into the Avatar for the first time
The belly of the whale- Begins to utilize the Na'vi body


The road of trials- Survives the animal attack in the jungle and begins to interact with the Na'Vi
The meeting with the goddess- Neytiri
Temptation away from the true path- Promised new legs to give information on the Na'Vi
Atonement with the father- Accepted into the Na'Vi Society
Apotheosis (becoming godlike)- Jake taken prisoner after the human attack on the Na'Vi
The ultimate boon- Fight Back Against Humans


Refusal of the return- Wants to become a Na'Vi 
The magic flight- Jake escapes in his Avatar
Rescue from without- Asks for help from the planets spirit 
Crossing the return threshold- Jake returns to the human world
Master of the two worlds- He is once again accepted by the Na'vi
Freedom to live- Permanently fuses with the Na'Vi body to live amongst them

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