Monday 15 November 2010

ITAP Lecture 6- Production and Outcomes


The delivery of a visual is extremely important as there are so many different platforms that can be used in order to get your work into the public eye. In many design situations, knowing your audience is a significant aspect of the design process as this can effect your outcome. In order to reach your audience you need to know where to place your work, this is when the platform must be considered to allow your work to be successful. 

Prison Cell Campaign

 Above are images showing a street campaign designed to make people aware of gun crime and its consequences. The prison cell was toured around five boroughs in London where gun crime is at its highest. This allowed the public to interact with the structure in order to give them a perspective of a prison cell.

This form of delivery is different to many other campaigns with similar goals, as these are more than likely print ads or something digital. The outdoor campaign is specifically designed for certain people, therefore the audience is of a reduced capacity and allows them to realise an idea such as this. 

Tactics such as this exploit the senses of a viewer and creates an emotional link to the viewer that can't be achieved with a lot of other types of advertising. 


Designers use media as a tool to serve their appetite for creativity by working on personal projects, client briefs, charity work and many others. Having variety with your work also allows you to achieve many different goals that wouldn't usually be possible when practising in one area of design. 

Nike USAB Olympic T-Shirts

The two T-Shirts above are examples of some commercial work done by Hydro 74 in association with Nike and the USA Olympic basketball team. The advantages of commercial work is the recognition gained by working with companies as big as Nike and having your designs viewed on a wide scale. It also opens other doors to projects in the future with Nike or other brands. 

Hydro 74 Illustrations

Personal Work is something that allows designers to work freely without the restrictions of briefs and achieve possible goals they set themselves. In the case of Hydro 74, he enjoys illustrations that include some sort of animal with floral designs in the background. Artwork such as this may be more of a Hobie for the creative, therefore more enjoyable and rewarding. 

Hydro 74 Typography

 The final examples above are a mixture between the two previous types of work. The typography is used for brands such as Ripcurl, Quicksilver and Vans with them being used commercially. He also designs typography that he profits from himself by selling them for use by other people.

These different aspects allow the designer to become as successful as possible in order to succeed on a personal and commercial level.

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