Monday 29 November 2010

ITAP Lecture 7- Development of Creative Thought and Structure in Illustration and Graphic Art

Overcoming Mindsets-

In order to be the best possible creative, you must over come mindsets in order to create the best possible work. The most successful artists in the world are constantly breaking the barriers in order to be as contemporary as possible in order to keep up with the competition. In doing this, a person must relieve theirselves of reality in order to taking an intial thought and evolvong it into something relevant. As well as this, when relaxing the mind, you can let your self fully apperciate what is around you. 

Axel Peemoeller
 Above are images by Axel Peemoeller in which he has created a unique way finding system in a Melbourne car park. This is a clear example of how someone has taken conventional thinking and through it out the window in order to create an individual piece of work. 

Within the car park he has painted the words "In, Up, Down and Out" at an angle in which it can be seen perfectly when standing head on. At any other angle they would seem out of proportion, although still easily identifiable. When compared to other systems used in car parks, its undoubtedly unique, but still achieves its purpose. Without the willingness to let your mind run free, you would not be able to create award winning work such as this.

Restating Problems-

When faced with a brief, there will always be problems you must overcome in order to produce the best possible outcome. When solving any problem, I like to Research its background and then record my visual thinking in an attempt to solve it. 

This is evident in my previous project where I took the research I had previously done and taken rational steps to produce a number of design ideas in relation to a logo. After sketching over 60 thumbnails, I reproduced a few in Adobe Illustrator and then taking a few more even further by adding colour. A final step was to produce a final logo that answered the original brief. This is a standard process for most designers when producing something such as a logo, although in this case the outcome wasn't as successful as I wished it to be.

This is where it may be a good idea to know your mistakes so you can improve on them in the future. At this point you can consider a different angle to work from with the intention of producing a different outcome. In the case of logo design, you could do a number of things to change what you have previously done. 
You could attempt to take inspiration from things such as nature, fashion, food, science and everything around you to create a unique image. Use different drawing techniques rather than sketch with a pencil in order to produce different strokes, textures and tone. Also use different sources of research rather than just the Internet in order to discover new design sources.

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