Monday 6 December 2010

ITAP Lecture 8- Image & Text

Image and Text-

An image without text can be vague as people can perceive it in many different ways. This can lead to misconception in some circumstances and not convey the message it wishes to. When capturing abstract images,  you may want the viewer to attempt to understand the image without the aid of text, although in other forms of design, the use of text is necessary. Especially in the form of advertising, as it is of extreme importance that the message is understood in order to achieve a successful advertisement. 

Above is an print advertisement with the text covered up in order to illustrate how text can effect the outcome of an image. With this example, the image can be perceived in many different ways. I could consider the ear phones and think it has something to do with music or an advertisement about friendship. It depends on how you depict the image. 

 When the text becomes a part of the image, you get clarification of the message. In the case of this ad,the message becomes very apparent, even though the image has no links to drugs. This is because you can create a subconscious link between the two elements. 

From this quick analysis, you can appreciate how text can improve the transparency of a piece. Especially in the world of advertisement, where it is vital not convey the wrong message. There are also many examples of text used in different areas of visual communication that don't just convey a message. Its also used to convey other elements, such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Text Used to Convey Emotion-
I have just stated the importance of text when you wish to convey a clear message to the viewer. Although text is also used widely to convey emotions rather than an image by itself. The combination of the two can create powerful imagery that can become applicable to a wider range of people, as you don't need the ability to depict an image. 

Jenny Holzer
 Above are a series of images by conceptual artist Jenny Holzer who projects large text on buildings as well as using LED signs. Much of the text used has a a deeper meaning behind it with violence, war, feminism and many other subjects that she may feel strongly about. 

She utilizes this technique of Presenting here work in public places to make people aware of something that is meant to be low key. For example, in the past she has outed documents about US army interrogation techniques where human rights have been exploited. Documents like this are meant to remain out of the public eye in order not to tarnish organizations such as the government. 

This makes a public place, such as a building integrally different to in comparison to a lone image. It can cause a flood of emotions when you have a shocking statement projected onto a 50ft building.

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